Tuesday, May 4, 2010

To find such a symbol for yourself, which represents your principles and aims, practice the following visualization

Experience yourself as a soul, a sparkling point of light concentrated in the centre of your forehead…

Visualize this peaceful point radiating rays of tranquility, peace and light…

In this stage of soul consciousness, project on the screen of your mind images of your life in the future...

Picture yourself fulfilling your life's aims and objectives...

You are surrounded by people involved in that...

See yourself being challenged now… the biggest challenge ever… coming in front of you… the challenge you have always been defeated by before...

Observe yourself becoming fully victorious...

See and feel yourself acting very decisively (positively) with no hesitation and according to your principles...

Feel those principles rise powerfully to your heart and to your forehead...

In this situation, how do you see and hear your interactions with others…?

What thoughts and feelings are being experienced and exchanged…?

What words are you using…?

What is the expression on your face…?

What is the outcome (result)…?

Now create a symbol representing the above scene...

Focus on it until it becomes clear in your mind...

Stay there... your aim is to stay with this picture as long as you are able...hold on to it.

Now bring your attention back to the present moment and surroundings.

You could create such a symbol for yourself depending on your role in day-to-day life e.g. for a businessman, this symbol could be a flock (group) of white eagles, where the eagle symbolizes the principles (values) of fearlessness and independence. The colour white represents the change of objective from hunter to protector. That the eagle is flying in a flock symbolizes the principle of 'interdependence' (eagles don't normally fly in flocks)...retaining your individuality but working together with others.

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